BC&T Inc (Beardwood Consulting & Technologies Inc) is a global consulting practice founded by Edward S. Beardwood.
Water Treatment Expertise
BC&T Inc founder Edward S. Beardwood, problem solver, has had previous strategic and tactical assignments and projects associated with products, services and their applications. He maintains global reach within the industrial water treatment industry. The practice provides consultation to both, chemical and physical water treatment suppliers and end users. See the founder’s profile at linkedin.com/in/edward-s-beardwood-esb-a40057156.
BC&T Inc reviews are used to develop mitigation and performance improvement strategies associated with corrosion and fouling within steam generators, feedwater and steam/condensate systems, and cooling waters. Influent pretreatment clarification, filtration, membrane processes, ion exchange, degasification and effluent water treatment process reviews are also available.
BC&T Inc is focused on extracting maximum value from the water treatment operations and delivering the full value of the programs currently in use. Technically sound and practical solutions are derived to provide the client with investment and asset protection while optimizing water and energy usage within the process. Consulting and root cause failure analysis are employed using a holistic approach. Mechanical, operational and chemical interactive variables are assessed and compared to “best practice” key operating indicators and key performance indicators. Thus, continuing the advancement of industrial water treatment through an assessment process manner that is not obvious to those skilled at the art. Reoccurring issues will require unconventional thought to identify the root cause and to develop of corrective action. BC&T Inc carries out its work on such a premises.
All tactical and strategic consultations will be carried out in consideration of and compliance with all applicable regulatory laws and restrictions associated with EH&S functionalities for the client, namely but not all inclusive; influent and effluent regulatory specifications (AWWA, EPA), WHMIS, TDG, Responsible Care, Product Stewardship manner. Where required, technical guidance from AMPP, ASME, EPRI, IAPWS, HTRI, TEMA, TAPPI, CTI, IWC as well as OEM’s recommended practices shall also be applied within the scope of the work. Employing the Strategic and Tactical consulting afforded by BC&T Inc, will position your organization for year to year improvements and growth.
Industries Served
- Commercial & Institutional HVAC (Hospitals, Universities, Arenas, Commercial Buildings).
- Plastics.
- Electronics.
- Pharmaceuticals.
- Textiles.
- Dairy.
- Food & Beverage.
- Automotive.
- Wood Products.
- General Industrial Manufacturing.
- Pulp and Paper.
- Fertilizer and Explosives.
- Steel.
- Aluminum.
- Mining.
- Electric Utilities and Geothermal.
- Chemical Processing.
- Hydrocarbon Processing, Heavy Oil Extraction, & Enhanced Oil Recovery.