Environmentally Responsible Advances in Cooling Water Treatment Maximizing Performance while Lowering Cost of Ownership
August 19, 2019
Authors: E.S. Beardwood, R. A. Loria. International District Energy Association (IDEA), 91st Annual Conference Trade Show, June 10-13, 2000, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. https://www.districtenergy.org/resources/publications
ABSTRACT: The paper discusses how to achieve exceptional corrosion and scale control that is superior to current technologies using zinc and molybdenum as primary corrosion inhibitors. Utilizing innovative, environmentally responsible formulations, this new technology will maximize efficiencies and, therefore, reduce the overall operating costs while lowering the total cost of ownership. This paper focuses on the ability to raise cooling water cycles of concentration to lower water demand and discharge which, in fact, lowers the mass loading of chemicals into the environment while conserving water. Of further benefit is the favorable environmental profile of such additives that can achieve and surpass present programs of environmental questionability. Additional discussion will include an all organic approach for treatment of closed loops designed to achieve the objectives above.